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The Benefits of Assignment Help: Simplify Your Studies
CS Tan
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Posted by vurqonalabama > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
The Money Wave reviews and complaints are everywhere. You may see ads. Is the program all hype? In short, yes. Let's dive in, shall we? It promises wealth. It claims success. The method seems easy. You just need to listen to a specific sound. You see the promise of the sound for only $39. Seems too good to be true? I agree. This 7-Second Tesla Ritual catches the eye. This ritual is audio. This audio unlocks something called a "Theta Wave." They say it's in your brain. It supposedly leads to riches. Can this product deliver. The website claims the brain can give riches, when unlock a specific part of your brain. What Is the Money Wave, Actually? The Money Wave is an audio product. It is promoted online. The sales pitch is flashy. It's all about becoming wealthy. The premise, listen and grow rich. Sounds simple, right? Well, that is too simple. They focus on the "Theta Wave." This brainwave is real. But linking it to sudden wealth? That is a stretch. People usually go into Theta when they meditate, the moment between wake up and sleep. Does listening to a certain sound really flip a switch in your brain? A switch that then magically brings you a fortune. It's like saying you can become a pro athlete by watching sports on TV. Sure, sports can be inspiring. The body changes too. This product claims it happens the change only listening some audio. They do have scientific explanations, however we find the change is big and hard to obtain. But they don't magically build those skills and muscles.